So I Had a Biology Test Today…


My HL Biology teacher is crazy. I have to admit, of the 7 (8 if you count CAS) teachers I have, he’s one of my all time faves. The above are legit questions he put in our “Kidney’s Test” today. Yeah, so I did quite well on this test I’m glad to say!


After all the drama tears, I’m happy to announce that today is almost over (for me at least!). Not only that, but I get to miss English tomorrow (yay! Don’t have to see Mr. Asshole!!! Have to admit though, normally we get on… it’s just this stupid EE thing hanging between us…) because I’ll be in a doctors appointment.

You may wonder why I’d have the appointment in the morning and not the afternoon… well it’s simple. I’m having a “Death Note” marathon after school with a few girlfriends at my place. Just kidding, that’s not the real reason but it’s good enough in my opinion!

What else is there to say… I got bored after school today and so I bought a lot of food…


People, control your orgasms! I’m totally attractive, I know. Haha… not. I’m really going to miss this kind of food when I move to Australia for Uni, it’s going to be so damn strange to not be able to just walk down the road and buy $4 meals from the local hawker centre. Relatives and friends in Ozzie have assured me that there are indeed good “hawkers” over there, but I just can’t bring myself to believe it.

Anyway, so then I got bored again after I finished eating… so I started camera whoring (Y)


…And photo editing

The above is my failed attempt to make a “go cry emo kid” picture. I’m not very original I know, sorry if you were expecting something amazing.

What else to say? I don’t feel like going to bed just yet, even though I keep going semi-blind from looking at this damn laptop screen for so long… and my head is spinning… and my lips are cracking… and I can hardly think straight… but I have that essay I wanted to start… so


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