


I don’t really fall into the last category. I just fangirl until I think I’m going to explode and then fangirl some more. My fangirling is at it’s worst when I’m looking at pictures of Kim Hyun Joong.

I swear to God, this one time I was scrolling Tumblr and this COMPLETELY unexpected gif of my one true Korean love ripping his shirt off came up and I lost my breath. I legit couldn’t breathe for another minute, I just sat there staring at the screen with one hand clapped over my mouth. We were watching something gross on the screen so my teacher just assumed I was grossed out instead of FREAKING OUT because my OVARIES WERE BUSY RE-ENACTING THE NEW YEAR’S FIREWORKS.

Just… BOOM! Exploding EVERYWHERE.

My heart-rate went through the roof. I swear, the effect that man has on my body… *faints*

Anyway, the above is a mini collage of some of the men I fangirl over. Kim Hyun Joong is my biggest fangirl-inducer, but Taylor Kitsch really isn’t very far behind him.