Yet Another All-Nighter


So Sunday has been mega strange! I spent a chill day at school with Chimmercharlie, but got very little actuallyΒ done. (OFFICIALLY HANDED IN MY LAST CHEMISTRY IA! Yeah, she finally noticed that she in fact hadn’t printed it out, hahaha!) Then the parents both got home from their respective countries and decided to go out for dinner as a family, which was nice.

I was shit scared about telling them what I’d done over the weekend. I didn’t know what my sister had told them already… I told them Pheebster stayed over on Friday night and they seemed fine with that, but they flipped shit when I told them I’d gone out for dinner on Saturday night. Naturally, upon hearing their reactions, I put my jumper on despite the heat and made for the nearest bathroom (so as to scrub the “Le Noir” stamp off my arm before they noticed).

They said I should have been home before my sister had gotten home because I was the guardian… if only they knew… haha. But my sister was strangely quiet so I think they might have had a go at her. When we got home I headed straight for my helper’s room and begged her not to tell mum and dad that I’d come home at 3:30am, she kept laughing at me but in the end she agreed. I’m so lucky to have Chimmercharlie, I had her on clean up duty from the second I got in the car after dinner, photos were taken down and everyone was warned to keep their traps shut about my involvement in anything more than dinner on Saturday.

So yeah.

The photo is the list of work I need to get in by tomorrow. I’ve finished three Chemistry test papers so far and don’t know whether to tackle the English first or finish the Classics speech… or whether I should take down the beast that is Philosophy…

Ughhh, my procrastination…

MIND YOU! I’m not sleepy at all right now. My eyes don’t hurt, I’m not hungry, I don’t have a headache. It’s strange, I’m completely vamped up for work right now. But that might also have a little something to do with a certain someone I’ve rediscovered from my past.

When I was 4-turning-5 years old-ish, I started at this school I’m at now. My first ever best friend was a guy… I won’t say his name because I have literally only been talking to him for the last 4 hours (haven’t spoken to him in over 12 years…).

Last time I knew him we looked like this:


We were in the same class originally, but that changed and everything changed and then he left and we completely lost touch (because there was no Facebook in 2000 and no way that two 5 year olds would be “friending” on it). So for 12 years this guy was a mystery to me. A part of me, the young me, really missed him and so the longing to find him again never really disappeared. I suppose you could call it puppy love, I count him as my very first crush (yes, I’ve been hopeless romantic from the very damn beginning).

For ages I thought about trying to track him down, but the problem was I only knew his first name. In all the notebooks I’ve ever kept (even in the DIARY I used to write in), he’s only ever referred to in the first name. On the lists of crushes that I’ve documented, his name is the only one without a last name.

So I was struck with this sudden urge to find him again at about midnight. This time? I succeeded. I really should become a Missing Persons Detective because I keep finding people that I really probably shouldn’t… maybe it’s just my inner stalker…

Anyway. I really hope I remember to never show him this blog… haha. I FOUND HIM! At first I was tentative in case it wasn’t him and I was emailing this total stranger. He had a massive impact on my life (well why else would he still be such a strong memory for me?) and so I wanted to know how he was doing. We have been talking for the last 4 and a half hours straight.

No joke.

I’m pulling an all-nighter to get this work done (I’m going to look shit at the Symposium tonight *sigh*), but it’s just SO NICE to be talking to him again! We have some common interests and some not. It’s so awesome and strange at the same time. Part of me, a really big part of me, seriously wants to become good friends with him again… I don’t know if it’ll happen, but I know I want it to. Who knows?

He seems really, really nice so far. I just don’t want to get my hopes up too far. Maybe if I visit my friends in the UK… maybe I’ll be able to catch up with him too? I don’t know… I’m thinking way too far ahead, but it’s such a lovely image I have painted in my head!!!

Anyway, I need to get back to work. I need to “wake up” in an hour and a half or so…

Staying True

Staying True

To myself, to what I love, to what I know I can do.


Now I have half an hour to write the damn speech for the Symposium! :/

In terms of “other-work-that-is-due-today-*cough-cough*-chemistry-ia”… yeah that… I asked her if she received my email with the IA that I sent to her on Wednesday (*nudge nudge wink wink*). I haven’t sent it. Heck, I haven’t even finished it.

I was in a really good mood after getting a level 6 and for the first time in my life I think she made me laugh so hard.



So yeah, I’ll just wait for that email saying “uh oh, apparently I don’t have it” and I’ll just be like “but you said *puppy eyes/shocked face*”

Hurhurhurhur, trolling my Chemistry teacher.



BRB- Dying on the Inside

BRB- Dying on the Inside

I went to bed at 4am-ish. For some reason I thought I’d gone to bed at 3:30am… then I realised, oh wait, no I only GOT 3 hours of sleep. Suddenly this tiredness makes a lot more sense.

I have two lessons today… with the two teachers I hate most. English and Chemistry. Joys of my life. The only lights of my being.

Jaysus. I need to finish the CE part of the Chemistry IA. My problem with numbers went from bad to worse last night.

So I had the god awful ratios… then I tried to do my Absolute Percentage Uncertainties. Oh. My. Sweet. Jesus.

At first I kept getting:
A%U for MgO(x)= -100%
A%U for MgSO(4)-xH(2)O= -600%

-600% !!!!!!!!!!!! HOW THE HELL CAN SOMETHING BE “-600%” WRONG!!!! :O


So then I realised I’d been putting the numbers in the wrong way around and managed to get rid of the negative sign (huge relief… even if I couldn’t change the actual values…)

I don’t even know what to do anymore… I still haven’t written my Classics Speech. Ag.

What else… we had a totally pointless assembly (again). I tried on my Graduation Gown!!!!! πŸ˜€

It has a nice weight to it. It falls just longer than the knees and the arms are long and poofey and to the elbows. What else… it’s blue (a nice one) and we’re not getting hats 😦

So yeah. I have English in 15 minutes. Ew. Need to finish this IA. So. Close!


Chemistry! What Even?

Chemistry! What Even?


I’m doing a DCP/CE for Chemistry (my very last Chemistry IA! YAY!)… it was due on Wednesday and… FML

The results!! D:


I needed to get the ratio- 1:7

Instead? I got the ratio- 1:49


It’s 1:16 in the morning… I’m so done with chemistry -.-




So I’m 52 days away from starting my exams and frankly I don’t think this homework load is helping any with my revision.

I really need to get to work… The list looks a lot more comprehensive than it should… yes I do have 4 Chem IAs due for this week, but 3 of them are just small edits… nothing major. Really, most of it shouldn’t take too long… but this is ME we’re talking about. I’ll be lucky to even tick ONE thing off this list by the end of the day…. :/


IB, Therefore I IA

IB, Therefore I IA

Yes, it is a Saturday morning. Yes, I am in school.

Oh, the humanity!

Yeah, well, whatever. As many of you know, coming into school on the weekends isn’t something new for me (I live at school……. pretty much). But today I ain’t going to the usual Maths classroom to work with my normal crowd. Nope. I’m in Chemistry. Doing extra Chemistry IAs. Yeah. Ugh. Screw this! I have to do an *entire* IA before I can leave… and I need to leave by about 4pm at the latest…

No clue what I’m wearing to this dress up party later… Eeesh.

These IAs will be the end of me. I also have to do other work… but I’m guessing that will all end up happening tomorrow.

Last night I had Wangster sleep over (the above is Nataree, not Wangster :P) and we watched Eddie Izzard and “The Emperor’s New Groove”! (Well, I fell asleep about 20 minutes into “New Groove”- I know… I’m sub-human. Hhaha, I was really excited to watch it again too! Haven’t seen it in over 5 years! *Sigh* I’m useless, hahahaha!)

Oh well. Chemistry IAs… here we go.


Today’s Summary

Pretty darn good! πŸ˜€

  • I came into school early and didn’t feel like death (yipee!)
  • I did the assembly without mucking up (noticeably at least, haha)
  • Didn’t have Chem
  • Finished and handed in my Chem IA!
  • Did nothing in Maths
  • Did nothing in English
  • Watched an episode of ‘Supernatural’

Then I came home and mucked around on an editor:




I think I’ll edit the word count on my TOK essay down now! If I’m still feeling motivated later then I might attempt the darn handwritten EngLit essay… A part of me is doubting that’ll happen, haha. I really should do it though… I also need to do a Bio Design IA, which shouldn’t be too hard/take too long. Hmph.

Hope you’re all having a lovely Wednesday! WE’RE HALFWAY THROUGH THE WEEK! YAY! πŸ˜€

Wednesday- Done!

Wednesday- Done!

Done all my classes. Haven’t stopped listening to “Without Your Love” (Ellie Goulding, duh) all day. Homigod. So good!

Yah… all my lessons are done. Wednesday is technically over for me- now I have to finish the damn Chem IA… and TOK word thing.

(^I’m feeling emotional just thinking about it) πŸ˜›


Yay For Power Naps!

Yay For Power Naps!

So I skipped Chinese and had a nap in the nurse! YAY! I feel a lot better now! All I’m really worried about now is my English class… I wonder if he’ll still want those damn essays in? If not then woo! Great! If so, then fuuuuck -.-

Anyway, I’ll tell him I forgot it and write it….. at some point- maybe aim for it to go in on Thursday? Meh.

I had my meeting about the assembly tomorrow, shouldn’t be too bad (as long as I can still talk, haha). I just need to make up some slides and send them to the P.E. Dept.

What else… yeah, I just need to finish off my IA at some point and send that in. Will probably do it in the Chemistry lesson (not sure if I have a lesson seeing as she’s focusing on the HL at the moment- the SL core course is over, we need to do the second option now…).

The sleep has really cleared my head, I’m glad I didn’t just skip and go to the library! I was really freaking out about today at the beginning of the day because all I could see was an un-hackable mound of places to be and things to do, now? Now it’s just a day to take step by step. That’s all. Step by step. Breathe.

So yeah. In Philosophy now, have 4 more school activities (3 lessons, 1 activity) until ELLIE GOULDING! ELLIE GOULDING! ELLIE GOULDING! πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€

No clue what to wear tonight! I’m really excited! It’s the first concert I’ve been to since last year (oh poor little hard done by me… not, haha).

Okay, paying attention now- bye! πŸ™‚


What a Loverly Day!

What a Loverly Day!

Today has been pretty good! I’ve gotten one IA in, one due in at some point before 11:59pm tonight, haha. I spoke to my TOK teacher and she says I can re-submit my essay tonight with the fixed word count! YAY! (She added that they wouldn’t have sent it off with too many words anyway so *PHEW*!)

Okay so I skipped first period today, which I’m making up for now (bless double chinese… not). Then found out I didn’t have to go to chemistry second period, yay! Then TOK, third period, is a free now that we’ve handed in our essays… you can see where I’m going with this right? Haha.

So I went to maths and now I’m in chinese… AND PHILOSOPHY SIXTH PERIOD HAS BEEN CANCELLED!!! πŸ˜€

So… out of a day in which I normally have 6 lessons… I’ve had 2.

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! There’s someone up there that loves me today, hahaha!

I think it’s so I can get my work done. I need to take full advantage of today’s situation. I genuinely can’t remember the last time I finished a non-Friday school day at 3pm! (Not since GCSE at least! Even then I had 2-3 sixth periods a week, unlike most of my peers…)

So yeah.

Ellie Goulding tomorrow! Gotta get my work done now! I have tuition later… maths, joy of joys. Still! I only had 2 lessons today!!! πŸ˜€


Okay… maybe not so “hurrah”- I just wrote a list of things I’ll probably have to hand in this week:

– TOK re-edit
– Maths sheets
– Chem IA
– Philo essay plans
– English hand written essay (yes, I still haven’t done that)
– Chinese papers (SOO MANY PAPERS o.O)
– Bio IAs (but I don’t know which, I haven’t looked at them since I handed in my LAST 60 PAGES -.-)

Better get going then I suppose πŸ˜›


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