‘Supernatural’ Obsession with Padalecki

'Supernatural' Obsession with Padalecki

It’s 2:53 in the morning. I have spent approximately the last 2 hours and 53 minutes fangirling over Jared Padalecki. I have found and followed about 60 tumblr blogs about him/’Supernatural’. I have saved pretty much every gif of him that I can find. To top it off, I am pretty sure I know every spoiler to all the seasons. I’m on episode 7(?) of Season 1. I know everything. Already. The seasons between now and when I’m supposed to find out are going to be torturous- but worth it considering how freaking perfect Sam Winchester is.

I need to finish my Chem. It’s nearly all done. Nearly isn’t completely and I can’t go to bed until it’s COMPLETELY all done. IBFML.

Why can’t I control myself?? The force of the fangirl is strong within me.


I’m Running Out of Titles About School!!


So hey guys! 🙂

Once more I’m back at school. I come here for at least 6 hours a day, 7 days a week… HOW FREAKING SAD IS THAT!?!! Weekends and schooldays are no different- only on weekends I’m not skiving class. I’m like the ultimate rebel nerd. I like it. 😛

So when I came in to the usual classroom just now I found this:


Which is, of course, an illustration of all the main characters in the two fandoms that my girlies want me to join (I’ve already joined the ‘Supernatural’ fandom (on the left), they’ve yet to convince me to watch ‘Merlin’ (on the right), but that’s mainly because I don’t want to fail IB. I’m already worried about my growing addiction to Sam’s… I mean Jared’s beautiful freaking voice I swear to god he’s an angel in disguise he’s so gorgeous and my baby and oh my god and **OVARIES EXPLODE**

*cough cough*

Heh… hehe… sorry bout that. I just get… a little over emotional about such a stunning specimen of man meat. *Sigh* WHY CAN’T ALL MEN BE SAM FUCKING WINCHESTER! I NEED HIM! o.O

…..Ok, I think I’ll stop now.


By lunchtime, 12pm (it’s now 10:30) I will have my two Chemistry IAs finished and sent to my godawful teacher (grr). One was due in yesterday- hence the “I hate Chem” post, I really was desperately trying to get that first one in on time (it’s only a first draft), but I couldn’t. Then I showed up for class and she completely, blatantly ignored me. She’s so childish! I’ve hated her since day 1 so it’s no surprise that she’s such a little bitch, but when she ignores me and gives the ONE OTHER KID IN MY CLASS DOING SL WITH ME extra advice about the IA, you can’t expect me to attempt to give her respect right? She lost my respect ages ago… anyway. I’ll hand them both in today and say the other one is late because I wanted to give them both in together. She can suck eggs. I know she won’t have them marked by Monday anyway.

Ciao for now! 🙂

Greeting Saturday with a(n Un-)Healthy Dose of BOF!

Greeting Saturday with a(n Un-)Healthy Dose of BOF!

Nothing beats my undying love for K-Dramas. “Boys Over Flowers”, my first drama, my first love, my introduction to the wonderful world of crappy acting and Earth-shattering love. I swear, I’ve never had the Earth shift so violently beneath my feet than when I watch my beautiful K-Dramas.
Where most people love Lee MinHo (with good reason, may I add), my heart lies irrevocably with Kim HyunJoong.
That man.
*Fangirl Squealing*
*Ovaries Explode*
I love him, I love him, I looooove hiiiim.
So I’ve been trying to get Chimmercharlie to watch this for a while and now I actually have her watching it legit! I told her to watch BOF over a year ago and she refused. I told her to watch “Death Note” and she refused. A couple of days ago though she changed her mind and watched “Death Note” and seeing as she enjoyed that, I’ve managed to convince her to give BOF another go. If she likes this then I’ll get her to watch “Playful Kiss” next (starring my love, Kim HyunJoong).
See, the beauty of K-Dramas is that it’s not something you just *watch*. To WATCH is not the right verb for when you experience the life-changing thing that is KOREAN DRAMA!
I’ll admit that the acting is astonishingly, phenomenally, fantastically, unbelievably bad. To me, that simply adds to the charm of them. Call me weird, colour me crazy, but K-Dramas have ruled my life since I first encountered them in 2010. I was so resistant to it at first, but then my friend (I’ve known her my entire life- something that’s very rare in an expat community) *finally* convinced me to watch an episode of this at 2 in the morning in Cambodia on a school trip. Nothing else was on so I agreed. It happened to be episode 18 out of 25, therefore it was extremely intense and impossible to NOT finish watching. When I came home the first thing I did was get an account on Maaduu.com and watch ALL of BOF, then do extensive research on my one true Korean love, Kim HyunJoong and track down an english-subbed version of “Playful Kiss”.
Furthermore, I think I will cry at least 9 times before this very first episode is over. Seeing as we plan to have an all nighter to watch as many episodes as we watch before she goes home, I suspect this will only be the start of draining my tear-ducts. Oh well, it’s so amazing that I don’t really care how much I cry or how unattractive I’ll look tomorrow, I just want to watch ALL THE K-DRAMAS! And lust of Kim HyunJoong’s gorgeous face. *drool*
