I Feel So Lazy


I could have blogged 100 times today… but I’m too lazy. Apathy had fallen over me and I can’t be bothered to shake it off.

Everything is just… meh.

I’m supposed to be going out clubbing in a few hours and I really can’t be bothered. I just want to dance with a hot guy and I know the chances of that are slim to none so I therefore have no motivation to go. I know that’s a bad reason to go clubbing but I don’t care.


Today was a bit of an adventure though. Very up and down-y.

When I woke up this morning I knew I had to work. I was really pumped and ready to work. However, I had to return the movies dad and I had borrowed earlier this week, so I did. Then I meandered over to the pharmacy and got some cotton buds… then I wandered over to the book store (they really shouldn’t have put the three damn shops next to each other) and LO- they were having a book sale! Books from $4 and up!

Naturally, I scoured the entire basket. No joke- I looked at every single title they had in the sale section (when I walked away, they piles were much tidier than when I’d walked in- thank you OCD) and wound up buying 3 books- “Sense, Sensibility and Sea Monsters”, “Emma” and “Persuasion”- for $12!!!!! ONLY $12!! I was chuffed with that, let me tell you! Haha!

To make the day even better, I bumped into my old Latin teacher and chatted with her for a while. She’s so lovely, it sucks that she doesn’t teach at the school anymore…

Anyway, after that I started my journey into school. Only I didn’t quiet get that far. I had planned to get a taxi to Holland Village (for those of you who don’t live in Singapore…. ummm… it’s sort of a tourist place… sort of… ummm… I’ll add a photo below) to get some food from the hawker before heading into school.


But of course after my run of good luck that morning it had to go sour. It started raining. That means no taxis. Fine, that was fine. I was okay with that. This is Singapore. It rains all the time. I walked across the road and caught the bus, planning to get off near Holland Village. The bus was fairly crowded- but nothing impossible. Except for these two rat-bag children with their helper who got on just before me (I’m courteous like that) and they beeped on and just stood there. They completely blocked the entrance of the bus so that I had to stand by the driver. Just as we were about to arrive at Holland Village I started to push through them to get to the exit door- only for it to shut in my face as I beep off. The bus was bustling at this point and I couldn’t shout to the driver to let me off. The front door was open to let people on, but the back door was shut and I couldn’t get off.

I stood there like a lemming until the bus started moving again. I was furious. This little detour cost me about half an hour (in Singapore terms that’s a long time). AND it was raining so traffic was slower than usual. Eventually we got to a bus stop that I could jump off at and swap to the other side of the road to make my way back to the stop I was supposed to originally get to.

Maybe I should make something clear to non-Singaporeans. When it rains here- it doesn’t just rain a little. It rains a lot. We’re talking tropical storms here people. You step out of the shelter for even a second and you’re drenched. Soaked. Wet to the bone. With that in mind I shall proceed. Once I got off at Holland Village I had to try and shove the books into my backpack and pray it was waterproof because there’s no cover between the bus stop and the hawker. None. Ughhhhh.

I ran for it- got drenched- and thankfully didn’t slip over (flip-flops are a blessing and a curse here. Good because if it rains then whatever, it’s not like you’re ruining them. Bad because you fall over on everything). By the time I’d bought lunch… the rain had stopped. It took me about 5 minutes to buy lunch and the rain had completely stopped. I wanted to laugh and or punch something. If I want to look at it with a silver lining- at least the detour meant that I waited the rain out long enough for it to be no problem when trying to get a taxi after buying lunch (OUCH, would you LOOK at that bad english, haha).

So yeah. I got a cab pretty quickly after that.

But everything comes with a pinch of salt. My taxi driver was deaf. Not in the “oh he went the wrong way” kind of deaf. In the “he actually has no clue what I’m saying right now unless I shout and gesture wildly” kind of way. I had to cling to the front seat (I never sit in the front… I have no idea why not…) and point the direction to head in constantly (my arm was like the needle on a compass) in order to get to school.


Anyway, I got to school. Sat with Chimmercharlie for a bit. Decided we were bored so we packed up and headed into the Music Dept. Sang a few songs from “Les Mis” really loud for a while… then started going through our operatic songs and danced around like fools. Went home. I had dinner and watched “Hyperdrive” with dad for a bit.

Which brings us up to date with now! 🙂

I am supposed to be going to Chimmercharlie’s for a sleepover tonight. I said I’d be at hers in around half an hour-ish. Oooops. That’s really not going to happen, haha. (If she’s reading this- SORRYYYYY hurhurhur!)

Uhmmm, yeah, we’re going to go clubbing and then tomorrow I’m crashing her tuition. Then back to school to work and THEN I GET TO WATCH “THE CROODS” WITH MY DAD!!!! 😀

Can’t wait to watch that movie again. Mmmmmmmmmmm :3

So yeah. I better go get ready! Byee! 🙂

Bad Idea & Late Nights

Bad Idea & Late Nights

So. I might have stayed up until 3:15am with Chimmercharlie last night. Maybe o.O

I feel tired, but not dead. That’s gotta count for something right?

I’m not going to first period Chinese- so that means……. Chemistry 2nd period… she won’t bug me I don’t think, so I technically have 2 morning frees… followed by 3rd period free. Might go to sign off my Biology IAs at break.

Have to finish my Philosophy and my Chinese today… Philosophy has a better chance honestly (only because it’s in English)…

Today marks the start of the official countdown. Four days left this week- we break up on Thursday.

9 days until we break up for study leave.

8 days from today will be my last day as a student here.


Sunday Night Stressing…

Sunday Night Stressing...


Sunday keeps arriving so fast and unwelcome-ly.

I ceeeebs to type tonight so here’s a summary of today (teehee, lazy Caiticakes is lazy):
– Attempted to study today…
– Watched the last 3 episodes of season 1 Supernatural
– Watched the first episode 1 of season 2 Supernatural
– Cried and screamed and had all the feels about Supernatural
– Have absolutely no pity for Papa Winchester
– Saw a freaking CUTE GUY at the Supermarket tonight
– Found out my parents aren’t talking to each other… they were fighting this morning… now they’re giving each other the cold shoulder -.-
– Got ice cream with my mum and sister… was told I was fat… again… this time it was a little harsher though
– Saw ANOTHER CUTE GUY, but at 7/11 this time

Spoke to neither cute boy..
*slaps hand* bad Caiticakes, baad.

Anyway, nothing is done and it’s Monday tomorrow. Only 4 days of school this week- we end term on Thursday. It’s a dress up day- I have to come in as Goldilocks… haven’t even sorted out my outfit for that yet… whoops. Ummm, what else… with any luck I’ll be sleeping over at Chimmercharlie’s house on Thursday night after tuition.

We’re going to tuck into season 2 of Supernatural :3

We have 38 days until exams start. I am sufficiently terrified and bored from the stress. I think I’m going into denial…


I’ll be working late tonight, I can just tell… :/


Long Day

Long Day

So not everything today went to plan…

First off, my friend couldn’t meet me for lunch because she had an appointment, which really sucks but what can you do… we’re trying to rearrange for tomorrow (fingers crossed!!)

Uhmmm, what else… went to English. Boring as batshit. More exam stuff. *Rolls eyes*

Oh! I bumped into my ever-lovely Chemistry teacher who, in the space of 2 sentences, intimated that I’d skipped class this morning… yeah… a self study class in which she can’t answer our questions… I’m **really** missing out there. Anyway, I put her in her place and told her I’d been sick and only come in at break. God I can’t STAND that woman -.-

What else… I had Classics rehearsals. I didn’t finish the speech in time but she liked what I presented so I have to hand over the polished version by Friday.

Uhmm… After that I had a Ladakh meeting! Once again, boring as shit. It was pretty pointless. We showed up with parents and watched the exact same hour long powerpoint that they’ve shown up EVERY SINGLE OTHER TIME they’ve presented to us. It was led up by Mr. Asshole, so naturally I was in a good mood -.-

So yeah, after that my dad took me to buy a Ladakh journal, which I have started writing in. (Only stuff relating to Ladakh, so I’ll only write on the days we have Ladakh meetings or whatnot.)

We have our first lecture with the Medical Team on Saturday afternoon. I’m excited for the trip… not so much Mr. Asshole and the Head Bitchy in my English class (they’re both on the trip with me… one of them isn’t coming home with me…).

OH! Good news! My awesome, awesome, AWESOME Philosophy teacher is coming with us on the trip! YAY! So I reckon I’ll stay glued to her side throughout and with any luck I’ll avoid double homicide! (Y)

We gave her a lift after the Ladakh meeting. Goodness, she is so lovely. :3

What else…

I have some work to do. Due today, naturally… There was something else though…


I’m taking my sister out drinking this weekend! WOO! Hahaha! Talk about being an irresponsible guardian! Haha!

It’s the norm here in Singapore for expat kids around the age of… 16? Sometimes earlier… to go clubbing. I don’t drink, personally. But, my freshly 16 year old sister DOES (not alcoholic-style, she just likes alcohol more than I do…).

I was allowed to go clubbing for the first time when I was 16, so it’s only fair that SHE be allowed to as well. I gave one condition: I must be the first to take her out.

So it is! She isn’t clubbing, she’s just coming to Chuppitos with a few of her friends and I’m going with a few of mine. It should be nice! I’m making her give me $15 as a provisor (I’m gonna buy her a Blow-Job-Shot!! 😀 hurhurhur, I’m such a good big sister XD).

So yeah.

It’s been a nice day, a bit lazy, a bit stressful. *Sigh*

My mum flew out to a sports competition this morning, so it’s just dad and my sister and I at home. We all watched “Up” with dinner. Such a lovely family evening. But I have to catch-up the work I’ve neglected all day now… oops haha!


Post-Exam Surprise (Warning: Rant)

Post-Exam Surprise

So today was eventful. I’m dying. So tired that my face hurts. I don’t want to go to school tomorrow, I’m not ready to see anyone… UGH

I have TOK and Philo Plans to do before I can go to bed though… still no sign of my Philosophy folder *sobs*

I have a meeting and a rehearsal in my first period “free”… I don’t know if I’ll even be able to walk.

My participation in the Classics Symposium is a mere week and a half away… I want to cry because I want so badly to do well that I can’t stand the pressure I put myself under. I haven’t studied the play “Pseudolus” for the last year like the others have. I’ve had Chinese every time they’ve had Classics. I haven’t given myself the time to fully prepare a speech on my EE for the evening either.

I want to do SO MUCH, but there is nothing I can do… but there is. ARGHHH

And because my freaking Chemistry teacher is such a fucking waste of space and oxygen, we have an extra Chemistry session on Saturday morning at 9am. No sleep in. No time to catch up the sleep I’m missing. I have 22 school days left and I can hardly keep my eyes open long enough to listen.

I am so tired of everything and everyone.

At least something good that has come of today is I FINISHED MY CHINESE ORAL EXAM! WOO! (The “downside”- if it can really be called a “downside”- is that I wanted a level 7 (approx 23/25)… she said off the bat she thought it was probably a 22/25 overall. I wanted to cry or hit something.)

What else… oh yeah, I went to the dentist. Had an x-ray (exciting stuff)… apparently all my wisdom teeth are about to come out.

So naturally I will have to get them ALL REMOVED. Apparently. Shoot me. This is not good.

When will it happen? Oh, just 2-3 days after I finish my exams! GRRRR! So I finish IB exams on the 17th, celebrate that night and Saturday… the surgery is on Monday. They say I’ll pretty much be bed-ridden for the next 2 or 3 days after that… and my face. Wow. I can’t even begin to imagine what it’ll look like.

It’s so close to post-exams because it’ll (supposedly) give me enough time to rest up before Ladakh.

I have 56 days until my exams start and 3 entire science topics untouched. My revision is…. not even started really.

I want to say I’m going to stay up until I have the damn TOK and Philo plans done… but I really think I’ll collapse tomorrow if I do. You know how- all those months back- my basketball team won SEASAC? Yeah, tomorrow lunchtime we are having a “celebratory lunch with the Head of the entire School”. Bit late, it’s a nice gesture though. My problem? My mother and sister will be there. I am the only IB kid on the entire team and I will look like death.

I don’t even like most of the girls on my basketball team. What the hell am I going to do at this lunch? I guess I survived an entire weekend with them, this won’t hurt too much in comparison.

OMFG EVER SINCE THE DENTIST I AM NOW HYPER-AWARE OF MY WISDOM TEETH AND THE PAIN IS GIVING ME A HEADACHE… or maybe that’s just the lights… or the tiredness… or the desperate urge to cry… or all of it. I am so close to giving up, throwing the desk over and scream “fuck this shit, I’m out”, or just leaving in the middle of a class with a teacher I hate.

I am too un-organised for my own good. I am the reason behind my slow and painful demise. I am putting myself too much at risk. The reward does not seem to justify the struggle I’m putting myself through.

I want the fun stuff at the other end of the exams. I want the clubbing and partying and school trips and graduation and prom and the graduation trip…. I CAN’T AFFORD IT. I have no idea where the freaking money is going to come from (short of taking it from my Greece Funds…. which I can’t bring myself to do, I just couldn’t because that would be well and truly giving up on my dream. I know it won’t happen this year, but I can’t abandon all hope just yet…).

Clubbing will cost about….. ~$20 per night I go out
Ladakh is a lot of money (even with the grant)
Graduation Prom will be at least ~$150 (and I don’t even have a dress or ANYTHING at this point)
Graudation After-Party is… $120 if I remember correctly
Phuket is $545… only for flights and accommodation. No food or general spending is included in that price.

Altogether I’m looking at… what… $855 minimum (excluding Ladakh, Prom dress, any accessories with Prom, if we have to pay for Graduation Gowns/Hats, an After-Prom dress (probably not going to get one, but just in case) and anything I may need as spending money in Phuket) in TWO MONTHS. TWO! T-W-O! That’d would nearly clean out my entire Greece Fund if it came out of my pocket. My parents will help me with the money and all… Graduation should be from them I think, but extras will be my issue.

Fuck it. Fuck it all. I just want my Philosophy folder so I can do my work and go to bed. I hate IB. I hate my life (I’m ungrateful and worthless, I recognise that). I can’t wait to just leave this all behind me as a distant memory. The sad thing is that I know it doesn’t get any easier from here on out.


Tuesday Thus Far…

Tuesday Thus Far...

So far- I don’t want to jinx this- I haven’t been berated for any late homeworks (yay!). I just completely screwed up my mock religion paper in Philosophy.

I’m in English now, we’re going to start watching “A Streetcar Named Desire” in about 3 seconds… what makes me happier right now (yes, keep in mind that I am a horrible, terrible, bitchy person)? The girl I can’t stand is sitting less than half a foot in front of me (-.-) but she’s not wearing any make-up and I’d like to think she looks worse than I do. Hurhurhur. I’m not fabulously gorgeous, but at least I can get away with not wearing make up 24/7.

Anyway, I’m already feeling guilty for writing that about her (I don’t like her and all, but I would hope that there aren’t people out there writing nasty things about me just because they don’t like me either…)

OH MY JEEZ! I HATE MY ENGLISH TEACHER! He’s talking right now and he’s just said something to make my blood boil. He thinks that it is NOT ONLY okay, but NECESSARY to say that our Text in Translation essays have just been sent to FREAKING LEBANON. WHY? I didn’t need to know that? No-one fucking WANTED to know that? Oh my good god I can’t stand this man! UGHHHHHH!!

What’s worse? I HAVE TO CLIMB A MOUNTAIN WITH HIM! THREE WHOLE WEEKS IN CLOSE PROXIMITY WITH THIS ASSHOLE! I swear to whatever is out there, one of us ain’t coming back from this freaking trip (and I can promise you now, the missing person won’t be ME).

Ugh. He better put the film on right now so I don’t just storm out. It’s really frustrating because he keeps showing up freaking EVERYWHERE! I had Biology this morning- he poked his head in the door. Pretty much every time I have Philosophy- he shows up. I wish I could just be blindly in love with this school like I was this time last year. Grrrrrrr!


Weekend Once More

Weekend Once More

So it’s Saturday again… Joy of joys. I’ve just found out I have an Chinese Oral Exam on Wednesday o.O

So I’m slightly freaked…

Anyway, last night was lots of fun, I went out with my girlies for dinner and whatnot. Spent about 8 hours solid with Chimmercharlie, we watched 3-4 episodes of ‘Supernatural’, so now I only have 8 episodes left of season 1. Yay!

I got home late-ish and my laptop was dead so I couldn’t post for ya’ll 🙂

My sister is in a netball weekend competition so I just watched one of her games, now I’m studying. Yup, yup, yup, that’s a summary of my last 12 hours-ish.

My goals this weekend:
– Chinese papers (and general speaking revision)
– Maths Worksheets
– English Essay
– TOK Final Final Draft (ughhhhh, this thing keeps popping up -.-)

I think those are the only urgent ones… I need to revise for a topic test in Chem… shit, that’s also on Wednesday. FML. Oh well… Chinese comes first because it’s an actual exam (and my best shot at securing my overall 7 at the end of the year).

Whatever… IBFML… I guess everyone’s going through similar stuff.

PS- Today is particularly terrifying… it’s EXACTLY 2 MONTHS TO THE DAY UNTIL I START MY IB EXAMS. KILL ME. KILL ME NOW.


I’m Running Out of Titles About School!!


So hey guys! 🙂

Once more I’m back at school. I come here for at least 6 hours a day, 7 days a week… HOW FREAKING SAD IS THAT!?!! Weekends and schooldays are no different- only on weekends I’m not skiving class. I’m like the ultimate rebel nerd. I like it. 😛

So when I came in to the usual classroom just now I found this:


Which is, of course, an illustration of all the main characters in the two fandoms that my girlies want me to join (I’ve already joined the ‘Supernatural’ fandom (on the left), they’ve yet to convince me to watch ‘Merlin’ (on the right), but that’s mainly because I don’t want to fail IB. I’m already worried about my growing addiction to Sam’s… I mean Jared’s beautiful freaking voice I swear to god he’s an angel in disguise he’s so gorgeous and my baby and oh my god and **OVARIES EXPLODE**

*cough cough*

Heh… hehe… sorry bout that. I just get… a little over emotional about such a stunning specimen of man meat. *Sigh* WHY CAN’T ALL MEN BE SAM FUCKING WINCHESTER! I NEED HIM! o.O

…..Ok, I think I’ll stop now.


By lunchtime, 12pm (it’s now 10:30) I will have my two Chemistry IAs finished and sent to my godawful teacher (grr). One was due in yesterday- hence the “I hate Chem” post, I really was desperately trying to get that first one in on time (it’s only a first draft), but I couldn’t. Then I showed up for class and she completely, blatantly ignored me. She’s so childish! I’ve hated her since day 1 so it’s no surprise that she’s such a little bitch, but when she ignores me and gives the ONE OTHER KID IN MY CLASS DOING SL WITH ME extra advice about the IA, you can’t expect me to attempt to give her respect right? She lost my respect ages ago… anyway. I’ll hand them both in today and say the other one is late because I wanted to give them both in together. She can suck eggs. I know she won’t have them marked by Monday anyway.

Ciao for now! 🙂

Nearly Halfway Through Another Week

Nearly Halfway Through Another Week

It’s the end of Tuesday, meaning it’s nearly Wednesday, meaning it’s nearly the weekend.


Haha 🙂

Uhmmm… so yeah, IB work. Still have lots of that to do. Need to do my TOK final draft. It’s due Friday. Oh! And my Chemistry IA, that’s examined and due Friday too. I think that’s it for the EXAM pieces…

Non-examined homework:
– Hand-written Lit essay that I was due today
– Reading up on the liver for Biology… or was it a past paper? IDK
– Extra worksheets for Maths
– Essay plans for Philosophy

That’s it, right? Eh, I’ll get it done. If I didn’t procrastinate I should be able to knock a lot of it over tomorrow seeing as I’m going into school an hour early and finish all my lessons at 1pm (probably gonna stay at school until 6pm as usual). Yeah. That’s nearly 12 hours at school. Hurhurhur, I’ve done longer before! I think 14 hours is my longest at school… it was either a Wednesday or a Monday. Unsure. But it was a while ago when I was involved in netball teams and music concerts, etc. 🙂



Party ‘Til Dawn!


So last night I went clubbing, woo! It’s been so long! There’s something strange about finally being “of age”… handing over an I.D. that is legit (hey, don’t judge me! It’s the culture I grow up in!).

Before clubbing I went to a friend’s Chinese New Year/ Belated Birthday dinner thing. It was really lovely and the food was good! She appeared to have had a good time, I know we all did!

After that I headed to Chimmercharlie’s house to prep for the night out. Hum de dum…. what next…


OH YEAH! We went to a shots bar- very popular here- called ‘Chuppitos’. It’s a must do for every adult tourist in Singapore that wants to experience the nightlife!


I had a shot (look at me go! Hahah! I don’t do shots… the last time I had one was………….. oh dear… a year ago? Two years ago?), I wish I could remember which one it was because it was really nice. I’d know it if I saw the menu but I couldn’t find a decent picture of the menu online. But yeah, ‘Chuppitos’ is a great evening-starter!


We were out to celebrate another friend’s 18th birthday, so when she showed up we bought her a “blowjob”- her face was priceless. I’ve never seen anything like it in all my life, I swear it has got to be a new shot because my friends do a lot of shots and I’ve never seen it before!

The birthday girl had shown up late and in the mean time the table next to us had ordered this “blowjob” shot and it’s basically a shot with a penis/dildo/straw thing  that you have to drink it through (with whip cream on top, mind you!). It was hilarious! We knew the second we saw it that we had to get it for our friend. She was a bit late, by the time she arrived at ‘Chuppitos’ some of the whip cream had started to melt down the sides…. it was so cringey!!!!


The “Blowjob” (Not the birthday girl in the photo- obviously :P)

It took a while to convince her to take it, but she did eventually- met with many cheers from onlookers. It was such a great start to the night! 😀

Then we went to queue for the club (Attica, supposedly the best in Clarke Quay, I don’t mind it, the dance floors are a bit small though…), the queue looked longer than it was but none of us knew which queue we were meant to join (one’s for guest-list only, the other is for anyone walking in off the street). Half-way to the door and convinced we were in the right line (although it turns out we weren’t, whoops, haha), this tall local guy asks us if we’re on a list, we say no, he offers to put us on his list! I was floored! Of course we said yes! Who would say no to free entry?! Haha, so we all got through, thanked the guy, swapped numbers for future reference, and the night began!


Attica is this hole-in-the-wall of a place. If you didn’t know it was there, you’d walk right past it… in the daytime at least. At night it’s a bustling centre for adults. It’s known for being relatively strict on I.D. so generally people prefer it because they know with some certainty that there won’t be 15-16 year olds running around the place causing drama.


Daytime Attica


Nighttime Attica

So yeah, the night started really great. We didn’t spot many/any hot guys, which was a shame (but nonetheless a burden we could live with- it’s not like spotting hot guys is a regular thing around here :P).

When one of my girlfriends and I were dancing on a podium though, I did spot a guy with potential. He was wearing a blue and white striped shirt, but what really stood out to me was his teeny, tiny, silver cuff on his upper ear. I’m not one for piercings, really I’m not, but for some reason this particular ear cuff was gorgeous– and he had a face to match. (He reminded me of a mini-pirate! Don’t tell me that pirates can’t be sexy 😉 hurhurhur…)

After a while we got down from the podium and just danced in a circle of friends, but I kept catching him looking- shows you just how many times I was snatching a glimpse of him, haha- and thought I might have a shot.

Yeah… until this busty brunette chick steps in out of nowhere and thrusts her tongue so far down his throat I thought they’d both suffocate… *Sigh* Story of my life. I don’t seem to be very lucky with guys… oh well. Haha, plenty more fish in the sea! 🙂

After that we didn’t really see anyone else, we just danced until about 1:30am before we decided to pack up and go home. Early night, really, but it felt right.

When we got back (I slept over at Chimmercharlie’s) we watched the last half of “Across the Universe” before pretty much passing out when it finished at 3:30am.

So yeah, exciting stuff. It was a really fun night and I get the feeling that’s the last time I’ll be clubbing for the next 3 months 😛

Back at school studying now. The life of an IB kid, no such thing as stopping or having a break from study to just do nothing. Every opportunity that I have to “relax”, I go out and enjoy myself- like last night- instead of sleeping early or just doing nothing and being pleased with that.

Post to you all later! 🙂

Photo on 2013-02-16 at 13.44 #3

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