One of Those Days

One of Those Days

I felt really sleepy in first period (Chinese) and fourth period (Maths), but for the rest of the day I’ve been pretty alert. I need to do this damn English essay though… ewwww…

Looking forwards to tonight, at the same time I just want to finish all this damn homework. Seriously. Snowed under. BUT I’ve gotten some stuff in. The Chem is all in, the Philo powerpoint is in (now to do the rest of the essays and stuff…. :/), what else… I don’t know. My brain isn’t functioning amazingly, but I reckon it’ll hold out until about midnight tonight. I’ll try and go to bed early tonight but it really depends on how much I get done tonight.

The Symposium is at 6:30pm and the speech is all done and sorted and lovely. Should be good. As far as time for anything else at all tonight…. yeah… hmmm… not looking so good.

I have to get a Philo timed essay done (or at least DO the damn thing), I have to get all the plans done (because it’s REALLY bugging me that I haven’t done them yet) and I need to get the very last Biology IA done (it’s only a design so it shouldn’t take too long).

OKAY. I’m going to see how much of this English essay I can get done. I have three whole weeks of school (not including this week) left until I do exams/graduate. It’s so freaking weird. Mr. Asshole is wielding negative ISAMS (<– it’s not an awful thing but it REALLY isn’t a good thing if you have a perfect record… like myself) if we don’t get them in today. I have never had a detention nor had a negative ISAMS. There are 3 weeks left. I absolutely REFUSE to tarnish my record this close to it being a spotless 14 years here at this damn school.


BRB- Dying on the Inside

BRB- Dying on the Inside

I went to bed at 4am-ish. For some reason I thought I’d gone to bed at 3:30am… then I realised, oh wait, no I only GOT 3 hours of sleep. Suddenly this tiredness makes a lot more sense.

I have two lessons today… with the two teachers I hate most. English and Chemistry. Joys of my life. The only lights of my being.

Jaysus. I need to finish the CE part of the Chemistry IA. My problem with numbers went from bad to worse last night.

So I had the god awful ratios… then I tried to do my Absolute Percentage Uncertainties. Oh. My. Sweet. Jesus.

At first I kept getting:
A%U for MgO(x)= -100%
A%U for MgSO(4)-xH(2)O= -600%

-600% !!!!!!!!!!!! HOW THE HELL CAN SOMETHING BE “-600%” WRONG!!!! :O


So then I realised I’d been putting the numbers in the wrong way around and managed to get rid of the negative sign (huge relief… even if I couldn’t change the actual values…)

I don’t even know what to do anymore… I still haven’t written my Classics Speech. Ag.

What else… we had a totally pointless assembly (again). I tried on my Graduation Gown!!!!! 😀

It has a nice weight to it. It falls just longer than the knees and the arms are long and poofey and to the elbows. What else… it’s blue (a nice one) and we’re not getting hats 😦

So yeah. I have English in 15 minutes. Ew. Need to finish this IA. So. Close!


My Silent Protest (and a bit of Agony Aunt-ing)

My Silent Protest (and a bit of Agony Aunt-ing) So one of my A-Level friends thinks that it is beneath him/ not worth his time to finish his CAS reflections…. sparking royal indignation in my heart. My inner fighter came out roaring. There is no way I’m going to let him get away with slacking off! At least not when I had to do it! I know, even though he’s in denial, that the CAS teacher will eat him alive if he doesn’t do the damn things. They really get shitty about CAS here in school. What he doesn’t understand is that the CAS teacher is one of those sadists that likes to punish EVERYONE if ONE person slacks off.

Well… He’s getting very shitty about me ignoring him. We usually talk quite a lot, but ever since he said he’s not doing his reflections I haven’t spoken a word to him. It’s driving him nuts. Anyway, there’s this one question he keeps asking and because I’m not talking to him, I can’t answer him.

BUT I can write about it on here.

SO You know who you are- grow some balls. It’s not about a guarantee! Whether you do or don’t shouldn’t depend on the result. You either want to or you don’t. How do you expect to live in the real world if you a) can’t take a risk b) can’t make decisions for yourself I know what *I* think will happen, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that that will happen! Sheeesh.

PS- stop bugging me and get your damn reflections done! I have exams in 48 days! (THAT MEANS I HAVE BIGGER THINGS TO WORRY ABOUT!) So yeah.

Just some general advice for the public: If you believe in something, stand for it (unless it’s something really nasty like Fascism or Neo-Nazism… in which case you should probably get a bit educated (Y) yeah). If you want something to happen, or you want to do something, make sure you’re doing it FOR YOURSELF. It’s YOUR life to live. Sure there are things that you need to consult others about first, but whatever happens you need to OWN that decision. That’s the beauty of autonomy.

When I do something, 99% of the time I do it for myself. It might be successful, it might fail awfully, but at least at the end of the day I know that I only have myself to blame or praise. If you believe in what you do then at least if it goes horribly wrong you can rest somewhat easier knowing that at least you had the courage to stand up for yourself. Being able to decide between a good and bad decision comes with wisdom, being able to decide whether something is really worth the result comes with experience. You need to make mistakes sometimes, but make them YOUR mistakes… not a mistake you made because you followed what someone else told you to do (which, in itself, I guess counts as a mistake too- blindly following other people).

I suppose that goes for a lot of things. As a teenager it’s hard to think that we’re (as L’Oreal would say) “worth it”. It’s often difficult to believe that we’re anything more than a mass of awkwardness and bad skin. The bad overshadows the good a lot of the time. As much as I love my mum, she can piss me off a beauty (on regular occasion too). She’s always the first to point out a flaw, be it physical or personality-wise and that’s tough to grow up with. Perhaps it’s out of defiance towards my mum, but I never really had MASSIVE body issues (of course there were SOME- my nose is broken and bumpy… my boobs are TINY… too much information for the average netizen, but hey, I know there are girls out there that can relate!), anyway, I think my way of coping with my mum telling me I that my jeans were a little tight or my shirts didn’t fill properly… I forced myself to love my body.

Weird reverse psychology. Maybe she’s done it on purpose? I don’t know… So the more mum commented on my body, the more I went out of my way to spite her by loving the flaws she pointed out… to the point where I don’t really care what she says. Well… for a long time that was the case. Recently her comments have started hitting home a little more. It’s strange. I think it has a lot to do with the fact that I have a friend or two that are VERY body conscious and now that I’ve given up sports (and not my bad diet), I’m starting to notice what my mum is saying is true… I’m not fat, but I know if I keep going the way I am right now I will be. Very fat. Soon, but not yet.

I guess what I’m trying to say is: it’s hard to love yourself when so many other people are out there to try and bring you down. Every magazine or T.V. show is telling you you’re not good enough, tall enough, skinny enough, muscle-y enough and whatnot… It’s easy to see why there is such a feeling of negative body issue in teens (it stuns me that people continue to read or watch this shit despite the fact it makes them feel bad). There are some things we can’t change about ourselves. In my case, nothing I can change without surgery… minus the weight thing- that is something I just need to get off my butt and do. But because of the way I’ve grown up I sometimes find it hard to understand this utter and complete reliance on external verification of “hotness”. Surely to be happy, as long as you can find it within yourself to love yourself, you’ll be somewhat happy?

Okay… I’m not coming off very eloquently… Let me try again.

If someone does something you don’t like, do you stick around? Maybe at first… but repetitively? With any luck you’d have enough of a spine to know that that person is a dick and you need to leave. So why not do the same for people that shit-talk you? You are an individual. Why rely on what other people say? ARGH THIS ISN’T WORKING!

My words aren’t WORKING!

Okay. The thing is. Don’t allow other people to shape the way you see yourself. It’s hard but it’s possibly one of the greatest things you could do for yourself. KNOWING that you’re beautiful on the inside even if you don’t believe that you are on the outside will help your confidence. I am a lot more susceptible to my mum’s unnecessary comments, but I do my best to grin and ignore her. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t. At the end of the day I need to be happy with myself. Most days I am. I choose to not let people dictate what I think of myself. Most people will say it’s easier said than done, but there’s a part of me that disagrees (but at this moment in time I really can’t argue my point very well, my head is a scrambled mess). ANYWAY- HAVE A GOOD DAY! 🙂


Counting Down

Counting Down

So dad’s going to pick me up at 2pm (only 2 hours more to survive!).

I’m in English and we’ve hardly started and Mr. Asshole is already royally pissing me off. And the other girl (I need to give her a nickname…) is also pissing me off.

Basically, the girl that pisses me off is counting down the number of schooldays until we finish Year 13. I am counting down until the first day of exams. I have no problem with count downs. None. Nada. You know what I *do* have a problem with? TELLING PEOPLE THAT DON’T WANT TO KNOW!!!!!!!

She walked in and was all “oh my god, I was in class and blah blah really hates me now, I think I pissed the whole class off because I told them all we only have 18 more wake ups blah blah blah, why would they be mad at me? I mean, surely that’s what they want to know? Only 18 more wake ups! Yay.”

And her little minion was all “oh my god you’re so right! Why and how could they possibly hate you? Oh my gaaaaaaahd”

Yeah. It’s sickening.


Sorry, he just mentioned TOK…. he always does… I think he just knows how to push my buttons and does so. Repeatedly. I wonder if he can read my mind and is just trying to see how far he can wind me up before I explode and go ape-shit in the classroom and never return again. He’s doing a pretty damn good job. I think I’m about 7 shitty comments away from walking out. We’re supposed to be watching the ending of “Streetcar Named Desire”… he’s blathering on about exams. UGH!

Anyway, back to the countdown thing. I have a count down, I hate it, but I have it because I know it’ll make me work. THAT DOESN’T MEAN I FORCE THAT ON OTHER PEOPLE! If someone doesn’t have a count down or doesn’t ASK you for how many days left… IT GENERALLY MEANS THEY DON’T CARE OR WANT TO KNOW! JEEZ! IT’S NOT ROCKET SCIENCE?

I wonder why they hate my poor little delicate bitch of a classmate? I don’t… Maybe it’s because she’s just being insensitive. Perhaps they don’t need the extra pressure. I wonder if maybe it’s because, unlike her, they can’t/don’t take days off school because they’re feeling “a little stressed out”/”hung over”. Gee, I wonder why people would hate on a girl that just reminds them of how short a time it is before we all die in the exams.

GODDAMN I CAN’T STAND HER!! It doesn’t help that I’m sick. Ugh. People.

Just got to survive this. Then choir. Then I go home. Ewwwww, I have tuition tonight…….. ughhhhhh. If he claps at me to make me shut up again I think I’ll slap him.

Is it even possible to be this horrible all the time? I really hope I’m a freak of nature… it would suck if there are more people out there like me (suck for the person and suck for the people that have to deal with them)… I feel sorry for my friends and family. I really don’t know how they put up with me, but I’m glad they do…

Okay. 40 minutes until the end of the lesson. Ignore the throbbing headache. Ignore the awful sick feeling. Ignore that you want to throttle the teacher. Just breathe and focus on how fast the clock is moving.

If I go down for homicide then I’ll make sure to let you all know before I’m locked up.




I’m Running Out of Titles About School!!


So hey guys! 🙂

Once more I’m back at school. I come here for at least 6 hours a day, 7 days a week… HOW FREAKING SAD IS THAT!?!! Weekends and schooldays are no different- only on weekends I’m not skiving class. I’m like the ultimate rebel nerd. I like it. 😛

So when I came in to the usual classroom just now I found this:


Which is, of course, an illustration of all the main characters in the two fandoms that my girlies want me to join (I’ve already joined the ‘Supernatural’ fandom (on the left), they’ve yet to convince me to watch ‘Merlin’ (on the right), but that’s mainly because I don’t want to fail IB. I’m already worried about my growing addiction to Sam’s… I mean Jared’s beautiful freaking voice I swear to god he’s an angel in disguise he’s so gorgeous and my baby and oh my god and **OVARIES EXPLODE**

*cough cough*

Heh… hehe… sorry bout that. I just get… a little over emotional about such a stunning specimen of man meat. *Sigh* WHY CAN’T ALL MEN BE SAM FUCKING WINCHESTER! I NEED HIM! o.O

…..Ok, I think I’ll stop now.


By lunchtime, 12pm (it’s now 10:30) I will have my two Chemistry IAs finished and sent to my godawful teacher (grr). One was due in yesterday- hence the “I hate Chem” post, I really was desperately trying to get that first one in on time (it’s only a first draft), but I couldn’t. Then I showed up for class and she completely, blatantly ignored me. She’s so childish! I’ve hated her since day 1 so it’s no surprise that she’s such a little bitch, but when she ignores me and gives the ONE OTHER KID IN MY CLASS DOING SL WITH ME extra advice about the IA, you can’t expect me to attempt to give her respect right? She lost my respect ages ago… anyway. I’ll hand them both in today and say the other one is late because I wanted to give them both in together. She can suck eggs. I know she won’t have them marked by Monday anyway.

Ciao for now! 🙂